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Public Engagement


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Inspirational EDI Online Workshops for Staff, ECRs and Students!

Inspirational EDI Online Workshops for Staff, ECRs and Students!

28 Aug 2020



Professor Averil Macdonald OBE, Diversity & Inclusion Consultant and former SEPnet Diversity Lead, has developed a set of 7 short (50 min max) inspirational online (Zoom) EDI workshops for students, ECRs, academics and professional staff respectively.

Trialled at Birmingham and Southampton with very positive feedback, these sessions are now available to other universities to roll out across departments and are a great way of developing stimulating discussion, sharing good practice and creating effective support communities between students, ECRs and staff across departments especially while working away from campus.

Sessions include:

� Micro-aggressions: a risk for everyone - UB workshop set in the academic context for all staff covering recruitment, teaching, research and staffing strategy.

� The Language Trap: how to recruit the best � this talk explains how language and vocabulary can make a difference - for all staff

� Taking the Chair - training offering tools to manage meetings well (and not to be overlooked)

� Top Tips for Success- it�s never too late! - workshop for anyone - academic & professional services staff- at any age.

� Making it Fair: navigating university and more in an unfair world - training for u/g & p/g students to see how to progress at uni and beyond

� Keeping it Fair: keeping your teaching fair for everyone - UB training for PhD students and ECRs covering teaching / supervision and job applications

� Top Tips - finding the job you were born to do � student workshop, especially effective for female students, covering how to take the next steps into a career.

For more information, please contact a.m.macdonald@bham.ac.uk